Use configSource attribute to manage Web.Config sections in ASP.Net 2.0

Different Sections in Web.Config can be managed by using external XML files, like Connection strings, Appsettings .....

Create a XML file with the respective settings and put that file in App_Data folder to protect

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
<!-- Connection String for SQL Server 2005 Express -->
<add name="SiteSqlServer" connectionstring="Your Connection" providername="System.Data.SqlClient" />
<!-- Connection String for SQL Server 2000/2005
<add name="SiteSqlServer" connectionstring="Your Connection" providername="System.Data.SqlClient" /> -->

Save the file in App_Data folder you need to change the Settings in Web.Config

<connectionstrings configsource="App_Data\yourFileName.xml" />

You can manipulate the values by simply changing the respective XML files. No need to change the Web.Config any more.


Herber said…
Just a minor comment. Using xml as extension for your configuration file is not a good idea, because most of the webservers allow the access to this files. It's better if you use .config extension.

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