Support rich text with the Yahoo! User Interface Library
During a recent project, my team's task was to redesign a Web page that utilized an ActiveX control as a rich text editor. One goal of the project was to replace the ActiveX control with a more standardized approach. We chose to use the rich text editor available with the Yahoo! User Interface (YUI) Library . This week I examine using the YUI Library's Rich Text Editor. YUI Library The YUI Library is a set of utilities and controls in JavaScript, as well as CSS templates for building richly interactive Web applications using standard technologies such as DHTML, DOM scripting, and AJAX. You can download the YUI Library 2.3.1 for free from The download allows you to install the libraries on a Web server. Another option is to use the library files directly from Yahoo! servers. Yahoo! provides an excellent overview of how to use its servers for applications implementing functionality via the YUI Library. Rich Text Editor A recent addition to the YUI Library...